It’s not where you come from or what limits you have. What matters is where you want to go and who you want to be. Cal State Fullerton breaks down barriers, enabling students to transform their lives and shape their future. We believe everyone can reach their highest potential when empowered with opportunity. Create your opportunity with us.
Cal State Fullerton creates opportunities, breaks down barriers, and empowers students to achieve their academic goals, emerge as trailblazers in their fields and reach their fullest potential.
Our campus is a hub of opportunity that values life experiences, nurtures curiosity, strengthens skills, and ignites passions. With diverse academic programs and renowned faculty, students are supported by the Titan community every step of the way.
Students grow in our vibrant campus life, offering opportunities for personal and academic growth through clubs, organizations, and connections with a robust Titan network of over 300,000 alumni. Titans today are empowered to become leaders of tomorrow, making positive social and economic change.
Opportunities include:

A welcoming and vibrant campus life where students are encouraged to grow personally and professionally.

High impact learning opportunities that give students a competitive advantage in their career and further academic pursuits.

Accessible, quality education

Our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is to fulfill the educational promise in which diverse lives and voices are valued to strengthen and enrich understanding, critical thinking, compassion, and teamwork.

A mutually beneficial partnership with community and corporate organizations in which we serve the greater good of communities while offering students real-world learning opportunities.