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University Wordmark and Monogram

Having a clear and consistent visual identity helps build greater recognition for and awareness of our university and our many colleges, divisions, and administrative/academic units.

The university's formal name is California State University, Fullerton; however our primary visual marks refer to our official short form, Cal State Fullerton and CSUF, to strengthen name recognition. This decision was guided by marketing and perception surveys which recognize the brand strength and equity of our shortened names.

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University Wordmark

Cal State Fullerton wordmark

The university wordmark is the most commonly used element of the university's visual identity system. The design is a customized distinction from conventional classic serif typeface and is a unique expression of our name. “Cal State” is a single expression referencing the CSU system, and "Fullerton" reflects our Orange County root and identity.


Orientations and Color Variants

Our wordmark comes in two orientations: default (horizontal) and stacked. Use the orientation best suited for the space you’re working with.

Default wordmark

Stacked wordmark

Other Color Variations

black wordmark blue wordmark orange wordmark
white wordmark white and orange wordmark white and blue wordmark

Proper and Incorrect Use

Proper Use:
To ensure brand consistency, the university logotype should not be altered in anyway. It requires an adequate amount of spacing around it to maintain its integrity. The minimum protected area should be no less than 3/8 inch in print or 55 pixels square. Minimum spacing should be observed in all circumstances.

minimum space around logotype


Incorrect Use:

altered logotype
Do not alter the logotype.

altered color logotype
Altering the colors is not permitted.

insufficient contrast
Do not use backgrounds that provide insufficient contrast.

unsanctioned logo
Do not use the logotype to create an unsanctioned mark.

stretched logotype
Do not stretch, distort or alter the proportions.

added graphic on logotype
Do not add images or any other new elements to the logotype.

cropped logotype
Do not crop or obscure any part of the logotype.

added text to logotype
Do not add text to logotype to form a phrase or statement.

Download Wordmark

Both orientations contain: EPS and PNG

  • EPS: for commercial printing
    • PMS: for most apparel and merchandise vendors
  • PNG: for digital use and MS Office

Download wordmark

Working With Approved Licensed Vendors

To ensure proper licensing usage, campus members must work with licensed vendors approved by the university. Using unapproved vendors could lead to denial of purchase during procurement process.

Click on the link below for list of approved licensed vendors for promotional materials, merchandise, and apparels.

Approved Licensed Vendors


CSUF Monogram

CSUF monogram

This mark is best suited for audiences who are familiar with the university and can be referred to in short-hand. It is also used as an anchor when referencing departments, units and programs. The CSUF monogram is also the preferred mark when space is limited or for complex applications such as embroidery.

Color Variants

blue monogram orange monogram black monogram white monogram
orange with white border monogram blue with white border monogram white with orange border monogram

Proper and Incorrect Use

Proper Use:
To ensure brand consistency, the CSUF monogram should not be altered in anyway. It requires an adequate amount of spacing around it to maintain its integrity. The minimum protected area should be no less than 3/8 inch in print or 55 pixels square. Minimum spacing should be observed in all circumstances.

minimum space around monogram


Incorrect Use:

altered monogram
Do not alter the monogram.

altered color monogram
Altering the colors is not permitted.

unsanctioned monogram
Unofficial logos are not permitted. Do not use the monogram to create an unsanctioned mark.

stretched monogram
Do not stretch, distort or alter the proportions.

added graphic on monogram
Do not add images or any other new elements to the monogram.

added text on monogram
Do not include text next to monogram to form a phrase, statement, or added concept.

Download CSUF Monogram

Download contains EPS and PNG

  • EPS: for commercial printing
    • PMS: for most apparel and merchandise vendors
  • PNG: for digital use and MS Office

Download CSUF monogram

Working With Approved Licensed Vendors

To ensure proper licensing usage, campus members must work with licensed vendors approved by the university. Using unapproved vendors could lead to denial of purchase during procurement process.

Click on the link below for list of approved vendors for promotional materials, merchandise, and apparels.

Approved Licensed Vendors