All CSUF units are affiliated with the greater university. Visual consistency and cohesion are essential to strengthen and elevate the brand identity for all campus units and the university. All official logos are created and managed by Strategic Communications. No campus units are permitted to create their own logo. This is to ensure the validity and integrity of our overall brand identity. The following units are eligible for campus unit logos created by Strategic Communications: divisions colleges academic and administrative departments centers, institutes and departmental offices academic and administrative programs Upon submission of request, your respective divisional chief of operations officer (COO) will review and must approve of request before design can begin. Complete the form below to begin the process. Please note that there is approximately a three-week lead time upon confirmation from our team that your request has been approved to receive your new logo suite. We work on logo requests on a first come, first-served basis. Sample logo: Check Available Logos: A growing collection of official unit logos are available for campus to use. Prior to submitting a request, please check on PhotoShelter if the unit logo you are requesting is already available for download. Check available logos on PhotoShelter Enter your campus credentials and then search for name of unit. Request Unit Logo Required fields are marked with * * Name of unit on logo (enter full official name): The Name of unit field is required. * Name of Division/College on logo: The Name of Division/College field is required. * Your Name: The Full Name field is required. * Your Email: The Email field is required. Invalid email. * Your Division: --- select your division --- Academic Affairs Administration and Finance Information Technology Human Resources and Inclusive Excellence Student Affairs University Advancement You Division field is required. * Comments (Describe how the logo will be used): Max 1000 characters The Comments field is required. This is a security measure to help prevent fake requests. Please wait. Focus